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Ask a Dietitian: How to Read Food Labels 請問營養師: 您真的會用營養標示嗎?

Ask a Dietitian: How to Read Food Labels 請問營養師: 您真的會用營養標示嗎?

Registration is required. Register below to receive the Zoom link on the morning of the event.

敬請事先報名,報名後將會電郵提供視訊講座的 Zoom 連結。

What do the percentages on food labels mean? With all the different nutrients, how much is appropriate for me? Do you know how to determine the amount of added sugar? Come learn from a licensed dietitian how to effectively read food labels to build a healthy diet.

營養標識上的百分比是什麼意思? 不同的營養成分,多少最合適?您知道如何判斷添加糖的多少?


This program will be delivered in Mandarin from 6:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m., and in English from 7:15 p.m. - 8 p.m. There will be time for questions from the audience during each session.

Those who only want to attend the Mandarin presenation, please log in at 6:30 p.m. Those who only want to attend the English presentation, please log in at 7:15 p.m.

視訊講座6:30-7:15pm以普通話進行, 7:15pm-8pm以英文進行,皆有開放問答。歡迎帶著您的問題來問營養師。

Speaker: 註冊營養師秦譞 Naomi Qin, MS, RD

Presented by 華人健康促進計畫  the Chinese Health Initiative of El Camino Health.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Contact person:
Kyle Hval
  Health & Wellness  
Registration has closed.